Dogwood trees and shrubs are beautiful focal points in a landscape, with distinctive bark and delicate flowers. Keep them happy in moist soil and sun.
In North America, gardeners are likely to think of dogwoods as large trees whereas Japanese gardens feature small, graceful forms of Cornus and European gardeners are likely to plant shrub species. All types of dogwoods are valuable focal points in a landscape, with distinctive bark and delicate flowers.
With more than five dozen species and many more cultivars, dogwoods come in all shapes and sizes: Japanese dogwoods (Cornus kousa), white- or pink-flowering dogwoods common in the US (Cornus florida), and fiery red twig dogwood shrubs (Cornus sericea). Not to mention creeping dogwood (Cornus canadensis).
Keep dogwoods happy in moist soil with good drainage and a sunny spot in a landscape. See more about dogwood shrubs in Gardening 101: Red Twig Dogwood.