Do we encourage illicit cultivation? Bet on it.
We recently reported on the efforts of a cadre of guerrilla gardeners whose mission is to beautify ugly, untended public spaces—vacant lots, busy intersections, traffic circles—by planting wildflowers or tossing “bombs” of seeds into the dirt. Join the movement.
Above: Seed bombs from Commonstudio—500 seeds packed in clay and compost—break open and germinate within a week. Image via Kaufmann Mercantile.
Above: A six-pack of Seed Bombs, available in six specially formulated regional mixes—California, the Southeast, the Southwest, the Northeast, the Northwest, and Lonestar—is $7.90 from Kaufmann Mercantile.

Above: The perfect tool for “planting” a seed bomb—a Wood Slingshot, made from buckthorn branches and natural latex tubing. It’s $21 from Kaufmann Mercantile.
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