ZZ plants are drought tolerant tropical houseplants with striking waxy leaves and stiff stems. Easy-to-grow Zamioculcas zamiifolia will tolerate low light and dry spells (make sure it has well-drained soil).
ZZ plants are low-maintenance tropical houseplants with waxy, glossy leaves that are drought tolerant, happy in low light, and uncomplaining if you forget about them for a couple weeks—good reasons to add one to your indoor plant collection as soon as possible.
Native to dry parts of Africa, Zamioculcas zamiifolia made the leap to houseplant a couple of decades ago when growers started exporting them to Europe. Easily propagated by separating its rhizomatous root balls or from stem cuttings, ZZ plants are a favorite of plant swappers, Instagrammers (see #zzplant for inspiration), and novice gardeners who are nervous about starting a houseplant collection.
Design tip: Rely on the tall, arching fronds of ZZ plant to create a sculptural backdrop for airier houseplants, such as ferns, or use it as foil for vines such as pothos.