Currently on view at the SF Decorator Showcase: a thoughtfully designed, creativity-inducing children’s playroom/garden terrace space by Siol Studios. The design team Kevin Hackett and Jessica Weigley (who, fittingly enough, has a masters in education) managed to fit in a raised stage, a music corner with wall-mounted xylophone, a crafts table, and a carpeted reading niche carved out of a closet faced with a bookshelf. On a small adjoining terrace, the designers created a biodynamic garden, with vegetables planted in reclaimed metal boxes covered with wood; against one wall is a Rainwater Hog, which captures water runoff from the roof for plant-watering purposes. Go to Siol Studios to see more work.

Above: Images 1, 2, 4, and 7 by Paul Dyer Photography. Other images courtesy of Siol Studios
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