Based in Zandhoven, Belgium, Out-Standing is a woodworking shop that produces handmade planters, outdoor tables, garden gates, lamps, and finials, mostly using rustic oak. They regularly exhibit at the Maison & Objet in Paris; go to Out-Standing to view the full line.
In the US, the planters are available through March in SF and Emily Joubert in Woodside, CA.

Above: Four Vasari planters with a row of Neumeister planters in the background.

Above: Two Ort planters.

Above: Four Ort No. 2 planters in the foreground with a pair of Marot planters in the background.

Above: Margarete planters.

Above: A row of Neumeister planters.
N.B. This post is an update; the original ran on April 10, 2009.
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