Bird feeders need extra protection against winter weather. A model with a roof or a cover to shield the feeding platform will keep feathered friends and their food dry.
How to choose a site for a bird feeder: Hang it from a tree branch or an eave where it will be sheltered from wind. (If you pick a spot close to the house, it will be easier to refill a bird feeder in bad weather.)
How to care for a bird feeder in winter: After a storm, make sure you remove ice and snow buildup so birds can get to the food.
What to feed birds in winter: To survive cold weather, birds need extra nutrition. Feed them high-fat foods for energy: White millet seed, thistle seed, peanuts, and peanut butter are good choices.
We’ve rounded up our favorite bird feeders—many with a roof or overhang to repel snow and rain—to hang in a peaceful spot in the garden.

See more at Object of Desire: A Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder from Germany.

See more of his handmade bird feeders at Etsy Find: The World’s Most Stylish Birdhouses
N.B.: Are you searching for the best birders’ shop in the world? See Shopper’s Diary: The Bird Watcher’s General Store in Orleans, Massachusetts. And for more ways to help birds in winter, see:
- 5 Favorites: Bird Houses.
- 10 Everyday Ideas to Steal from Estate Gardens.
- Make your own Grapefruit Bird Feeder.
- Luxurious Digs for the Birds.
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