Joraform Compost Tumbler JK 125

Joraform Compost Tumbler JK 125

Retailer: Amazon
$369.00 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon

Description from Amazon

The Joraform range of composters are, without a doubt, the the most effective and efficient kitchen waste composters in the world. The Compost tumblers were designed in Sweden in response to tough recycling regulations and have been used successfully by households throughout Scandinavia for many years to compost all kitchen waste, including cooked food and meat products. Many are also in use in schools and kindergartens, where they make a good educational tool for young students. The JK125,270 or 400 let you make perfect compost from your kitchen waste hygienically and quickly, with minimal fuss and mess

  • The Composter is constructed for ease and simplicity of rotation – it’s simply turned by hand whenever waste is put in.
  • The insulation in the JK Composters allow the temperatures to rise higher than 160oF, resulting in quick and efficient composting
  • The Composter are divided into two chambers. While one is being filled, the compost in the other chamber matures.
  • The Composter are positioned off the ground so that there is no possibility of rodents or other pests gaining access to the waste in the machine.
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$369.00 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon
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