This just in: We’re excited to announce the launch of Quick Takes, a brand-new subscriber-only Sunday column appearing on both Remodelista and Gardenista.

Each week, we’ll ask top designers, influencers, shopkeepers, and tastemakers for their insider dos and don’ts, faves and raves, from best house upgrades and design tricks to gardening advice and what’s on the bedside table. We kicked off the new series on Sunday: On Remodelista, trendsetter Kai Avent-deLeon shared her go-to sheets and best thing to bring to a party; and over on Gardenista, landscape designer Molly Sedlacek revealed the out-of-print gardening book she returns to time and again and the one plant that turns her off.

Quick Takes will be free and available to all through the month of March; after that, it’ll be reserved for paid subscribers—so if you like what you see this month, consider upgrading to a paid subscription to keep reading. (One subscription works for both sites.) Subscribers also have access to full-text newsletters, delivered daily, as well as an ad-free viewing experience. A paid subscription is $9.99, paid monthly, or $59.99 paid yearly (a 50 percent savings) and helps support our team and keep our sites going.
Whether you become a subscriber or not, we’re so grateful for your continued readership and support all these years. Thanks for following along.
N.B.: Have someone you’d like to see featured in Quick Takes? Let us know in the comments.
Frequently asked questions
What is Quick Takes?
Quick Takes is a brand-new subscriber-only Sunday column appearing on both Remodelista and Gardenista.
Who will be featured in Quick Takes?
Each week, top designers, influencers, shopkeepers, and tastemakers will be asked for their insider dos and don’ts, faves and raves, from best house upgrades and design tricks to gardening advice.
Is Quick Takes free?
Quick Takes will be free and available to all through the month of March; after that, it will be reserved for paid subscribers.
How can I access Quick Takes after March?
You can access Quick Takes after March by upgrading to a paid subscription, which is $9.99 paid monthly or $59.99 paid yearly (a 50 percent savings).
How can I suggest someone to be featured in Quick Takes?
If you have someone you'd like to see featured in Quick Takes, you can let the team know in the comments.
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