Photography by Andreas Trauttmansdorff for Gardenista

 Come with us on a tour of legendary Canadian garden writer Marjorie Harris's home garden in Toronto. For her "garden rooms," Harris chose plants that would thrive under different shade conditions (morning sun, shade at noon, and afternoon sun).

A Berberis thunbergii (Helmond Pillar) stands tall.

Bright hostas leaves play with scale.

The view from the "House Garden".

Chiononanthus virginicus, or fringe tree.

A Sciadopitys verticillata grows against the fence.

A closeup of the leaves on Harris' ginkgo tree.

A variegated dogwood adds pattern and texture.

Variegated hostas and Hakonechloa against a background of foliage.

Pergolas support Clematis and C. fargesiodes.

A Japanese maple adds a rich red.