Chatsworth: The House

Chatsworth: The House

Retailer: Amazon Designer: Deborah Dowager
$31.50 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon

Description from Amazon

Chatsworth: The House [Hardcover]
Dowager Duchess of Devonshire (Author), Simon Upton (Photographer)

Chatsworth is one of England’s ten most visited great houses. In this tour of the house, Deborah the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire takes the reader into the private as well as the public rooms, and goes behind the scenes to explain the management of the household and the work of the staff needed to keep it going.

Enjoy the Duchess of Devonshire’s highly personal account of what it’s like to live at Chatsworth. With the warmth and wit you expect from one of the Mitford sisters, it transcends any run-of-the-mill guidebook BBC Homes & Antiques … an intellectual and visual treat Period Living As a souvenir of a visit to Chatsworth this beautiful book is flawless; as an insight into the life of a great stately home it is indispensable Beautiful Britain

Deborah, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire is the youngest of the seven children of the second Baron Redesdale and sister of the writers Nancy and Jessica Mitford and Diana Mosley. The Duke and Duchess lived at Chatsworth from 1950 on and lovingly restored the house and gardens. Gary Rogers was born in Rotherham, New Zealand. He worked as a fire-fighter and musician before becoming a news and fashion photographer. He regularly contributes photographs to many magazines.

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$31.50 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon
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