Adventurous Gardener

Adventurous Gardener

Retailer: Amazon Designer: Christopher Lloyd
$15.56 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon

Description from Amazon

Adventurous Gardener [Paperback]
Christopher Lloyd (Author), Fergus Garrett (Introduction)

In this gardening classic the forever adventurous Christopher Lloyd takes us on a tour through the garden, stopping to lecture here, to exhort there, to overturn the old and accepted when his experience prompts him. He ponders, suggests, explains, ruminates, always delighting the reader with the sharpness of his observations and the eloquence of his prose. For Christopher Lloyd gardening is nothing if not fun, and he makes it equally enjoyable for his readers.

Christopher Lloyd was among the best informed, liveliest, most worthwhile gardening writers of our time and the author of a host of classics. He lived in Northiam, East Sussex and died in January 2006. Fergus Garrett, Head Gardener at Great Dixter, first worked at the Beth Chatto Gardens as a student, over twenty years ago, and has remained a close friend of Beth’s ever since.

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$15.56 USD at time of publication Buy from Amazon
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