Instead of roses, this Valentine’s Day consider giving your sweetheart a fragrant, pink bloom that will continue to warm her (or his) heart for years to come: a winter-blooming viburnum.

Commonly referred to as “Dawn” or “Charles Lamont,” Viburnum x bodnantense is a hardy shrub, known for its strongly scented, pink flowers. Much like witch-hazel, Viburnum x bodnantense is an early harbinger of spring, blooming on bare branches, from fall through Easter (depending on where you are). Afterwards, this viburnum produces full, vibrant green leaves, which turn a dusty pink-gold in the fall.
Above: Being a winter blooming plant, Viburnum x bodnantense is tolerant of frost and snow. A selection of more than two dozen Viburnums is available for prices ranging from $25.46 to $79.94 per plant from Nature Hills. Photograph by Prilfish via Flickr.

Above: According to the Royal Horticultural Society: Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ has dark pink flowers that age to white, strongly flushed pink. V. x bodnantense ‘Charles Lamont’ is similar, but the flowers are a purer, brighter pink.”
Above: Birds like viburnum too. Photo by Wendy Cutler via Flickr.
Finally, get more ideas on how to successfully plant, grow, and care for viburnum with our Viburnum: A Field Guide.
N.B.: Are you are looking for something that’s not pink to send your valentine? See The Un-Pink Bouquet.
Finally, get more ideas on how to plant, grow, and care for various shrubs and hedges with our Shrubs: A Field Guide.
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