Postmaster General take note: If every post office were this appealing, we might see an increase in people sending parcels by post.
Located on the premises of the reimagined Marin Country Mart (a venture of James Rosenfield, who transformed the Brentwood Country Mart in Los Angeles), the pristine post office anchors the complex of sparkling white-painted shops. Rosenfield pays tribute to the seventies era of the buildings without freezing them in time; case in point, the central post office, which features a West Marin vibe. The mounted staghorn ferns on the building’s entry should be sufficient clue that this post office offers more than stamps and mail service:
Photography by Mimi Giboin.

Above: The entrance to the post office features a collection of Staghorn ferns.

Above: Platycerium bifurcatum prefers, if left to its own devices, to grow on trees in rain forests. It can survive outdoors in temperatures ranging from 40 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In other climates, shelter it indoors when necessary.

Above: Mounted Staghorn Ferns are $105 each from Terrain.
N.B.: Julianne Moore loves staghorn ferns too. To see how she arranges them like wall art in her Greenwich Village garden, go to Design Sleuth: Julianne Moore’s Staghorn Ferns.
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